Study Tools

Gas Notes is proud to offer free tools to all the education eggheads out there. Don’t miss the simulation tools!

Simulation Monitor πŸ–₯️

Ever wanted a free and open source alternative to those expensive remote-controlled patient monitors? Well now you have one.

All you need is two internet-connected devices.

Take me to the Simulation Monitor

Random Patient Generator 🎰

The Generator was originally a card game created by Dr Simon McCormick to help doctors think about their thinking and identify their biases.

This is a digital homage to the paper version.

Take me to the Random Patient Generator

Clinic Helper πŸ“‹

Clinic days can be tricky, especially for beginners. This free notepad-style tool helps you run a quick and comprehensive pre-anaesthetic assessment.

There’s also a growing list of smart suggestions that will appear based on the text of your note.

Take me to Clinic Helper

ABG Machine πŸ’‰

This trusty machine never breaks down, never stops for calibration, and never runs out of paper.

Just like a real machine, the HCO3- is derived from pH and pCO2. That means you can’t set it directly.

Unlike a real machine, you can choose from some handy presets and even create a shareable QR code.

Take me to the ABG Machine

LocalBot πŸ€–

β€œHow much of this stuff can I use?”

Local anaesthetic dosing is a popular quiz in theatre and you’ll look very slick if you can answer without any button-punching on your phone.

This little robot generates dosing questions to help you practice your skills.

Take me to LocalBot

OSCE Stations πŸ›Ž

How is it OSCE time already?

Before the big day, take turns marking, acting and doing each of the stations. Make sure to practice ALS and anaphylaxis several times.

Quizzes πŸ“‹

These interactive quizzes cover some of the material in the Survival Guide.

Try to get a few done on the last week of your placement and one more time before your exams.