
1. Which of these is not part of the treatment of anaphylaxis?

2. Which of these agents can trigger malignant hyperthermia?

3. What is the dose of adrenaline used for cardiac arrest?

4. Which of these is not a sign that a patient is in anaphylaxis?

5. How much adrenaline is in 5 mL of 1:10,000 adrenaline?

6. Which of these does not feature in the management of laryngospasm in adult patients?

7. What colour is a 16G IV cannula?

8. For a patient in asystolic cardiac arrest, what should be done after the first rhythm check?

9. Which of these is the top management priority for matients in malignant hyperthermia?

10. What is the correct ratio of check compressions to breaths when performing CPR?

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