Cardiac Arrest


You are an intern the emergency department of a regional hospital. An elderly gentleman named Steven is in the department for workup of some sudden-onset chest pain.

A nurse has just called out for help with Steven, who has become unresponsive.


  1. Manage this situation.

Actor’s Script

You are a nurse working in a regional emergency department and you are looking after Steven, who has just become unresponsive.

You have called the candidate to assist you. Please guide them down the following sequence of events…


First Rhythm Check

Rhythm strip showing VF from LITFL (

Second Rhythm Check

Rhythm strip showing VF from LITFL (

Marking Key


Initial Management

Inform the candidate that resuscitation trolley has arrived and they can now move on to defibrillation

First Shock

Ask the candidate to verbalise the four H’s and four T’s

Four H’s and T’s

Second Shock

Tell the candidate that two minutes have passed and they can return their attention to the defibrillator

Post-Resuscitation Care

Indicate that the patient has begun groaning and moving on the bed. Ask the candidate what this means.

Ask the candidate what the appropriate post-resuscitation care is for this patient.

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