Off to Sleep

1. Which of the following is a depolarising muscle relaxant?

2. An anaesthetist administers 15 millilitres of 1% propofol during induction of anaesthesia. How much propofol did they give?

3. Which one of these is not a risk factor for postoperative nausea and vomiting?

4. Which is these is a reliable way of telling if a patient is unconscious?

5. What does atropine do?

6. You patient has an eletive mastectomy booked for 3:00 PM. What is the latest time they can eat before their operation?

7. Which of these is the most reliable indicator of successful intubation?

8. How much sodium is in 1 litre of 0.9% NaCl?

9. Which of these agents is not used in the reversal of neuromuscular blockade?

10. Which of these is a benefit of pre-oxygenation?

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