Your First Day

Welcome 👋

Welcome to the operating theatre! Everyone here is doing something interesting, so introduce yourself to as many people as possible and ask a lot of questions.

Here are some of people you’re sure to meet…

Making Conversation 💬

Bedside tutorials are the bread and butter of anaesthetic education. If the conversation dries up, here are some questions to get the ball rolling again…

Save your questions for the quiet times: before the patient arrives and once the surgery us underway. Asking too many questions while the patient is awake will make them justifiably nervous.

Your Bucket List 🤞

You’ll gain a lot from your placement if you make a wishlist of things you want to see (and do) while you’re there. Here are some ideas to get you started…

Be Prepared 📝

You will kock your consultant’s socks off by seeing every patient before they come to theatre. Check out the pre-op assessment guide for a quick how-to.

Practical Points ☕️

Here are five tips to help your first day go smoothly.

  1. Get there about 15 minutes early
  2. Write your name on the whiteboard
  3. Be careful which door you use
    • When in doubt, ask
  4. Blue means sterile – don’t touch
  5. Always take a tea break